I’m not good at giving advice, ok? Like, don’t base your decisions off of my advice because it could very well end up being the worst decision you’ve ever made. I can tell you some things about relationships though. Years ago, I went through something I never imagined. I went through an abusive relationship. Still to this day, I’m trying to get over the mental and emotional abuse I went through. My self worth was down so low and my confidence too, that building it up has seemed near impossible but here I am today, telling the story. First of all, if the person you are with is putting you down, calling you names, literally cussing you out.. Anything of that nature.. That is abuse. If they have went that far, take it from me, eventually it leads to physical abuse. NO KIND OF ABUSE SHOULD BE TOLERATED. Point blank! Next.. If the person you are with cheated with you, they will cheat on you and if they have cheated at all, they will continue to cheat. Cheating is like an addiction and they will not change just for you. Next… Do not date somebody if you are not over your ex. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT. You and your ex obviously need closure and the new person doesn’t deserve to be hurt in the middle of you and your ex’s drama. Make sure everything is out in the open, over and all the feelings are gone before dragging someone else into your life. Lastly… If you are not happy in your relationship.. let the person you’re with go. “But I love them,” is not an excuse. You are not happy and leading them on while you decide what is going to make you happy isn’t right. What is meant to be, will be (clichè, I know but I strongly believe in it.)  Relationships are just for fun these days. Nobody stops to think about the person they’re with, what they see in their future, anything like that. Nobody dates with the thought of marriage anymore and it’s disgusting to see how far people go with things like this. This isnt really advice, more like just being a good person. Pass it on.