Let me start by saying, this isn’t easy to write. It’s like reality is slapping me in the face. I always brush things off. I always stand up for you and make excuses for the way you are. I always make reasons why everything you do is okay. Maybe I’m writing this hoping you’ll see it and wise up. Maybe I’m writing this as my first form of future closure. I don’t know yet. We’ll see I guess. You know, you used to be this sweet guy. You made me feel special and you made me fall in love with you and how great you treated me but we hit a mark and apparently that was your que to stop. I think your brain just kind of went, “okay, you have her, no need in doing all of this anymore.” Do you know sometimes I wake up two hours early just to make my hair the way you once told me you liked it best? Yes, that has stuck in my mind all of this time. You told me ONCE and now I try to wear my hair like that just to get a compliment. You know, those 30 minutes you spent complaining about how long it takes me to get ready? You said something like, “I wish you didn’t care what people think of you. I wish you didn’t always have to try to look nice.. Who cares?” Yeah, I wish I didn’t care what YOU think of me. I spent that 30 minutes trying to pick an outfit that you wouldn’t think is goofy looking. One that I’d walk out in and you’d look me up and down and just think, “Damn, look at my girl.” I want to hear you call me beautiful, gorgeous, pretty… I’ll even lower my standards and hold out for a “sexy” every once in a while because I work so hard for that. You know, it’s crazy because you’re so quick to look at another girl. You’re so quick to mention how pretty she is but you can’t do that for the girl standing there in front of you. The girl who tries so hard to keep your attention. In a world where girls constantly degrade themselves.. Where we are constantly shamed by the media on our looks… We need that one person to remind us how important and beautiful we are and if a girl is in a relationship, it should be her significant other. I’m not asking you for 5 page love letters or a 1,000 word goodnight message or a dozen of roses on my doorstep every Friday night. After all of the thinking I’ve done though, I realized, nothing is ever good enough for you. I can try, I can look like Kate Upton or Scarlett Johanson but in the end, the grass is always greener somewhere else. You can’t be seen by someone who is blind to greatness. You can’t be good enough for someone who isn’t even good enough for you. Before I close this out, I just want to leave you with a reminder… You might look around one day and see someone appreciating what you didn’t. Don’t ever take someone for granted.