I don’t know how many times I’ve said this.. to my friends, to strangers.. How many times have I been told this? Too many to count. Today, I was at the shop (I work at a boutique) and I’m waiting on customers and eventually I’m left with three ladies. One was one of the girls moms and the other two, I assumed, were around 18. Gorgeous, blonde, tall, MODEL looking girls… One of the girls starts freaking out and eventually I learned her boyfriend was supposed to be with his boys, but ended up being with a bunch of girls.. Blah blah blah.. The usual. So I asked her, “how long have you been with him?”.. “Six months”.. Okayyyy… “How old are you?”.. Wait for it… “Fifteen”.. FIFTEEN. You know.. 15. ONE FIVE. FIFTEEN. Pause right there. GIRLS. If you are fifteen, please please please, enjoy your life. Enjoy high school, enjoy every summer until college, and then enjoy that too. If a guy isn’t into you, walk away. If a guy wants to hang out with other girls, let him go so he can be single and do that. If a friend stabs you in the back, let them go. Your teens are all about letting go, no matter how bad that sucks. You’ll meet amazing people, you’ll beg them to stay, they won’t. Or they might! But your teens are when you figure it out. You have time to settle down. You have time to be in a serious relationship… But your teens, that’s the time you use to learn and make friends and live your life. I know God sent me this girl today… I told her my words of wisdom and sent her off. So now I’m passing it to whoever may read this. Let it go, let it be and move on and remember, your teenage years don’t last forever. The good times will pass but so will the bad. You only get one chance so live it up while you can and its only a bad day, not a bad life!